5 Profile Wing Template Using HAVF




This product is an Onshape part with 5 profiles/airfoils that can have HAVF airfoil directly inserted into it.
The planform, anhedral-propfile, span, all other variables are all parametric.
But, the best function is that you will never have to sketch an airfoil again with this tool.
Simple paste an HAVF airfoil in from our book, or free sample page, and control angle of attack, chord, and trailing edge thickness at your whim, and with exacting percision.

All of the important variable of the airfoil section can be controlled completely independently of one another.
What is better, is that this process is repeatable, meaning you’ll never have to sketch an airfoil again.
Simply copy an alternative HAVF airfoil array, paste it, and it will overwrite the previous airfoil

Holbrook Aerospace Airfoil Vector Format library:

Free HAVF airfoil Array Samples

This product needs to be manually shared as we are currently building and API to share Onshape Models individually.
So, please allow 24 hours before contacting us about immediate access to the model.
In the mean time feel free to Contact Onshape who claims that this share functionality has no real demand!